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Monday, July 29, 2013


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Kai Li

One point about the importance of cataloger learning coding is BIBFRAME. In order to play with it right now, at least people need to know about coding.

David Bigwood

I'm not so sure catalogers should be writing code, beyond a simple very basic script. Leave that to the professionals. We should know the basics, however. An understanding of SQL, SPARQL, and databases would help us as we build our catalogs and talk to the coders. An understanding of regular expressions would be useful. These are the ways people are accessing our catalogs. The ability to use some tools to work with our data would be useful. Google Refine, for instance could point out areas to be worked on in our catalogs.

I don't have the time to be writing programs, that would be better done by a programmer. I do need to have an understanding of how my catalog works and use the tools to improve it.

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