Some good advice for LIS students. In, If I Could Do Library School Over Again, Karen Glover, Circulation Services Librarian at the Georgia Institute of Technology, writes about the need to take a cataloging class even if you're not planning on being a cataloger.
I would take cataloging. What was I thinking? I’ll tell you. I was thinking that I was never going to need cataloging, that’s what. Boy was I wrong. The cataloging of film is a tricky, tricky thing. In this library, it is inconsistent, and often unexplainable. Current cataloging standards are too restrictive and unwilling to bend. At least I think they are. I wouldn’t really know....
You know my opinion on this! You absolutely should take cataloging - that said - instructors need to change the way they teach cataloging to make it a bit more useful for students when they enter the library to work.
Posted by: Nicole C. Engard | Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 01:06 PM
Hi Nicole,
Thanks for the comment. I wonder how the ALCTS/CETRC Task Force on Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging is going:
Posted by: Christine Schwartz | Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 10:05 AM