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Friday, March 06, 2009


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Irvin Flack

I'm thinking through the implications of staying away from baroque library standards. That means dropping AACR, RDA, MARC, FRBR, LCSH, DDC, LCC, MODS, etc.?


Hi Irvin,

I've been sick the last four days, so I'm just getting back into things. Your question is exactly what I've been wondering--what exactly are the baroque library standards? I've been meaning to write a comment on Brantley's post.


Peter's point seems to be: 'if it ain't baroque, don't fix it!' RDA can certainly be baroque -- eg I've just been reading through the JSC updates from John Attig including debate about whether fictitious characters like Miss Piggy can be considered authors(!) -- but replacing it with, say, the core 15 DC elements would be tossing the baby out with the bathwater.


Yeah, I find the core 15 DC elements so limiting for describing library resources. There's got to be some middle ground.

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