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Thursday, February 26, 2009


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Laurel Tarulli

Thanks for this Chris! I know what I'll be reading this weekend. With the emphasis on streamlining cataloguing practices and additional responsibilities cataloguers are taking on, I'm very interested in this. I, too, have a hard time with the idea of moving away from the control over creating/editing each record. Although, there are some great tools (such as MarcEdit) out there for mass edits. With the growth of technology and shifts in our own roles, I think we should all be reading reports such as this.

Matt Ostercamp

I'm curious. What do you think you've learned as a metadata librarian that would make you a better MARC cataloger?

Chris Schwartz

Hi Laurel, Matt,

Thanks for the comments. Matt, I thought about this and here's what I came up with:

1) In general, I'd probably worry more about accurate MARC coding.

2) I use to look at MARC records in terms of migration to another ILS. Now, I would look at MARC records in terms of crosswalking to other metadata schemas.

3) I would be more careful that important identifiers were not buried in notes (knowing that things in notes may be difficult to machine parse later).

4) I would make sure, if possible, that every MARC record had an 856 field linking to: full-text, an abstract, a book review--any digital version of an item or metadata about that item on the Web.

5) I'd worry less about pre-coordination of LC subject headings and more about getting more subject headings into the MARC record. My reasoning: to provide good keywords and bring out hidden aspects of an item/work.

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