Nicole Engard, Open Source Evangelist at LibLime, just wrote an interesting post: Calling all Catalogers.
Fellow catalogers,
I have been spending a lot of time these last few months working on getting a new web-based cataloging tool ready for you all. It’s finally time! I’d like to invite you to sign up for free and try out ‡ a community cataloging tool from LibLime.
So, what the heck is it? ‡ is a web-based original and copy cataloging tool with built in federated search of any Z39.50 target (via an integrated search registry with over 2000 targets - or by adding your own) and a large (30 million strong) shared database of catalog records. This means that you can visit ‡ and benefit from the work of other catalogers who have gone before you. You can also edit and contribute to the database without any restrictions.
Interesting project - I haven't yet tried it out, but will shortly. How long will it take for OCLC to try to shut it down - or punish member libraries for contributing records to a competing product? (oh, right, that policy doesn't go into effect yet...)
Posted by: arkham | Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 11:35 AM