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Monday, March 17, 2008


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Wow. Too bad it's in Philadelphia. I don't think I could arrange to be there this close to the symposium. Karen Calhoun, Diane Hillman and Christine Schwartz? That'd be worth being there for. I hope you'll post an account, or a link to one. The other presentations look interesting, too.


While you're there you should check out the mutter museum (http://www.collphyphil.org/mutter.asp). Although probably not right after lunch.


And people keep telling me to try the Philly cheese steak (probably not right after lunch either). Any idea if there are original cataloging libraries in the area, that wouldn't mind showing the MARC21 work in progress and sharing some tacit knowledge? As we are exploring in the Netherlands the move to MARC and RDA, it would greatly benefit me (and convince me that 24 hours on a plane is not too much for just a 1 day symposium :)).


Ah, MAY 29th. For some reason, I read it as MARCH.

In that case, maybe I can make it there (and I'd love to get a chance to see the Mutter while I'm there...). I'll have to see if I can get approval for t the trip - seeing as it's only 1 day and is going to actually require a flight.

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