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Wednesday, January 23, 2008


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I haven't had a chance to go through the final draft yet, or to read this post carefully, but...

"Suspending work on RDA is a stronger recommendation"?

What? So, they took one of the worst ideas in their report and made it worse?

Just my opinion. I'm not saying that RDA is perfect, not by a long shot, but I don't think that suspending work on it is useful.

If they have serious problems with RDA itself, working to fix those would be a lot more useful than suspending work on it.

It's nice that their FRBR recommendations are more concrete (though I haven't looked at that yet) - but there are already implementations of FRBR now. I know this is an LC thing, and maybe LC hasn't dived into FRBR much, but to suspend work on RDA because of LC's being behind on FRBR seems ridiculous.

Chris Schwartz

Hi arkham, The general tenor of the Midwinter cataloging forums was a sort of free-floating anxiety about the working group's RDA recommendation. Specifically, whether or not the Library of Congress would accept the recommendation and pull out of RDA development. Personally, I don't see that happening.

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