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Tuesday, August 14, 2007


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I am looking forward to reading these books too. I'm surprised to see you write that you have a "love/hate relationship with FRBR." I do hope that you'll spell out what you have in mind in a future post--I'd be really interested in your thoughts on the pros and cons of FRBR.

Chris Schwartz

What I mean by my "love/hate relationship with FRBR" is that it's a good conceptual model for online catalog displays, but I think it's hard to translate FRBR concepts to bibliographic record creation (the way we created them now). A cataloger is using an "item" to describe a "manifestation" and we will use things like uniform titles or notes to bring out the "work" or "expression" aspects, but the FRBR model as it is currently being applied to the draft of the new content standard, RDA, is adding a layer of conceptual complexity that the practical side of cataloging has never had to deal with before. This might be a good thing, I don't know.

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